Convenient & fun to book
During your stay at the Apartment Marcella Liberec you can use the extra services below or book one. The services are supplied or by the homeowners themselves or by specially selected partners where Holiday Liberec made. Specially favorable prices for you.
- Babysitter
- Typical Czech 3-course dinner
- Various massages

The babysitter will only fit in the house and does not go along on location.
Prices: Daytime €7,- per hour and when the children sleeps €4,- per hour.
This service is offered by the homeowners themselves.
Typical Czech 3-course dinner

Prices: €12,50 per person.
This service is offered by the homeowners themselves.
Various massages

Prices: from €8,- per 30 minutes.
This service is offered by massage parlor. Salon Penelope.